Tuesday, April 05, 2011

TWAS-CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

TWAS-CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

The National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT), Mexico City, Mexico, and TWAS offer fellowships for scientists from developing countries (other than Mexico) who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in the natural sciences.

Deadline 1 July.

IMPORTANT: The following is additional information concerning the TWAS-CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme tenable in Mexico. It is an integral part of the information given here: TWAS Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research.

Applicants should be aware that they can apply for only one fellowship per year. With the exception of the fellowships "for research collaboration", all other fellowship programmes offered by TWAS and TWOWS that are mutually exclusive.

Programme Details

1. TWAS-CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable at eligible institutions of higher education and research in Mexico for a minimum period of six to a maximum period of twelve months and are awarded to young scientists from developing countries (other than Mexico) to enable them to pursue advanced research in the natural sciences and related fields.
2. A list of research institutions in Mexico where TWAS-CONACYT Fellowships are tenable is available for download here: Higher Education Institutions in Mexico.
3. CONACYT will provide a standard monthly allowance which should be used to cover living costs, such as accommodation and food.
4. CONACYT will also provide a fixed amount for mandatory health insurance coverage.

Applicants for these Fellowships must meet the following criteria:

* Be a maximum age of 40 years on 31 December of the year of application.
* Be nationals of a developing country (other than Mexico).
* Hold a PhD degree in a field of the natural sciences.
* Be regularly employed in a developing country (other than Mexico) and hold a research assignment there.
* Provide an official Acceptance Letter from the host institution from an eligible institution in Mexico. Only listed higher education institutions in Mexico are eligible (see point 2 above). A sample Acceptance Letter is included in the application form which can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the page unter "related content".
* Prove knowledge of Spanish or provide a certificate of proficiency in English (if these languages are not the candidate’s mother tongue).

Submitting your application

* The deadline for receipt of applications is 1 July every year.
* Applicants should submit the acceptance letter from an eligible Mexican host institution to TWAS when applying or by the deadline at the latest. Without preliminary acceptance, the application will not be considered for selection.
* Reference letters: Referees must send signed letters as attachment via e-mail directly to TWAS. The subject line must contain: CONACYT/PDoc/the candidate’s surname. Alternatively, letters should be sent by post in sealed envelopes.
* Applicants to the TWAS-CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme should send their application only to TWAS.
* Applicants should be aware that they may apply for only one TWAS fellowship per year.

APPLICATION FORM: Click on the links below to download the application form and guidelines. Before applying it is recommended that you read very carefully the application guidelines for detailed information on eligibility criteria, deadlines and other key requirements of the application procedure.

* PDoc Application Form
* PDoc Application Guidelines

Contact Details
TWAS Fellowships Office
ICTP campus, Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste, Italy
Tel: +39 040 2240 314
Fax: +39 040 2240 689
E-mail: fellowships@twas.org

For information purposes only:
CONACYT Fellowships Office
Insurgentes Sur 1582-1er. piso
Col. Crédito Constructor, Benito Juárez
Mexico, D.F., 03940 MEXICO
Tel.: +52 555 3228 149
E-mail: twas-conacyt@conacyt.mx

ANSTI/DAAD Post-Graduate Fellowships 04/04/2011

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) a publicly funded, self-governing oragnisation of the institutions of higher learning in Germany, promotes international academic exchange as well as educational co-operation with developing countries through a variety of funding and scholarship programmes. DAAD cooperates with ANSTI by offering a number of in-region scholarships for Masters and Ph.D degrees. The deadline for application is the 31st May 2011.

Participants in the programme must be from ANSTI member institutions and may not exceed the age limit of 36 years by date of nomination. Applicants may not apply for studies in their home countries. Fellowships, which cover fees, subsistence and international travel, are awarded to staff of ANSTI member institutions ( View ANSTI Members ) for postgraduate studies (M.Sc. or Ph.D) at African universities for staff development.

Fellowships are awarded to sub-Saharan African nationals for studies outside the applicants' home countries. The initial award of the fellowships covers one year. Extension is possible up to two years for Masters courses or more for Ph.D studies upon successful completion of previous year.

Applicants must also meet the following criteria:

* Applicants must hold a good bachelors degree (at least 2nd class upper division).
* Applicants must obtain official admission to the host university prior to his/her application for the fellowship.

How to apply

* You can apply for ANSTI/DAAD scholarship award Apply online
* View previous ANSTI/DAAD Fellowships award status
* You may download and print a ANSTI/DAAD scholarship application (PDF).

TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences 04/04/2011

for Individual Scientists and Research Units in S&T-Lagging Countries. Under this scheme, grants are awarded to high-level promising research projects in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics carried out by either individual scientists or research units in the 80 S&T-lagging countries (S&TLCs) identified by TWAS.

The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences was established in response to the needs of promising young researchers in developing countries, particularly those attached to institutions that lack appropriate research facilities.

Under this scheme, grants are awarded to individual researchers and research units in 80 science-and-technology-lagging countries (S&TLC) to enable them to purchase the research facilities they need to enhance their productivity.

The programme aims to:

* Reinforce and promote scientific research in basic sciences in developing countries;
* Strengthen developing countries' endogenous capacity in science;
* Reduce the exodus of scientific talents from the South;
* Build and sustain units of scientific excellence in S&TLC over a longer period to help them achieve a critical mass of highly qualified and innovative scientists capable of addressing real-life problems facing their countries.

The TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences complements that of the International Foundation for Science (IFS). The two organizations maintain close contact to ensure the complementarity of the two schemes and to avoid duplication.

Please note that the TWAS Research Grants Programme supports research in the basic sciences. Proposals focusing on more applied research should be submitted to IFS. Thus, projects submitted to TWAS that relate to applications in agriculture or medicine or that use existing techniques to screen, for example, medicinal plants for bioactive substances or to monitor an environment for pollutants will be rejected.

The programme is generously supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Italian government. The Sida contribution is mainly intended to support research proposals from African countries and other developing countries in dire need of basic research tools.

Programme Details TWAS Research Grants are awarded to high-level promising research projects in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics carried out by either individual scientists or research units in the 80 S&T-lagging countries (S&TLC) identified by TWAS.

* Research Grants to individual scientists amount to a maximum of US$15,000.
* Research Grants to research units amount to a maximum of US$30,000.

The grants, which are normally provided for a period of 18 months, may be used to purchase scientific equipment, consumables and specialized literature (textbooks and proceedings only). They do not cover salaries of researchers and/or students, field expenses, travel expenses or participation in international conferences.

Eligibility • Individual applicants must be nationals of developing countries. They must hold a PhD, be at the beginning of their careers, but already have some research experience. They must hold a position at a university or research institution in one of the 80 S&TLCs. As a general rule, the grants are awarded to competent scientists under the age of 45 years.

• Applying research units must be led by a renowned researcher who is a national of a developing country, who holds a PhD and who has good research experience. The research unit must operate within a university or a research institution in one of the 80 S&TLCs and consist of a core number of research scientists, postgraduate students and technicians. There is no age limit for unit leaders.

Individual scientists and research unit leaders who submit a satisfactory final report on a previous grant may apply for a renewal.

Agreement If selected, a trilateral written agreement is drawn up between TWAS, the individual grantee or leader of the research unit and the home institution. The institution undertakes to administer the grant according to the agreement and to provide laboratory space, salaries and other facilities necessary for the project. Equipment, consumables and literature provided for the project through the TWAS Research Grants Programme remain the property of the home institution after the project is completed.

In general, the grant funds are kept at TWAS for the purchase of items requested by the grant holder. TWAS places the orders with the supplier(s) upon receipt of proforma invoices submitted by the grant holder in accordance with the approved itemized budget.

Grant holders (both individual grantees and heads of research units) must submit a final report within one year of receipt of the last purchase.

How to apply Download the application form (Word document) from the link below (see "Related Content" at the bottom of this page) and complete it on your computer.

Applications should preferably be submitted by e-mail to mahdavi@twas.org. Since the first page of the application must bear the handwritten signatures of the applicant and the head of the applicant's institution, please print the page after completing it, sign it/have it signed, and then attach it as a scanned image or PDF-document to your application.

Incomplete and/or unsigned applications cannot be considered. An ideal application consists of one e-mail message with one attached zipped file that carries the applicant's surname as filename and contains:

1. the completed application form;
2. the scanned image of the signed first page of the form;
1. a separate document with the detailed curriculum vitae, if the applicant is an individual researcher
2. as many separate documents with the detailed curricula vitae as there are scientists working in the unit (except the students), if the applicant is a research unit
1. a separate document with the full list of publications, if the applicant is an individual researcher
2. as many separate documents with the full lists of publications as there are scientists working in the unit (except the students), if the applicant is a research unit

Please note that a researcher may only submit one application at a time and for only one kind of grant (either as an individual applicant or as a research unit).

TWAS will acknowledge receipt of an application by e-mail within two weeks of its receipt. If the acknowledgement fails to reach you within this period, please contact Mrs. M.T. Mahdavi, phone: +39 040 2240-325, fax: +39 040 224559, e-mail: mahdavi@twas.org

When to apply The deadline for receiving applications is 31 August. We strongly recommend that you do not wait until the deadline but submit the application as early as you can to enable us to process your application as quickly as possible.

Notification Please note that the assignment meetings of the TWAS Research Grants Committees will be held by March of the following year. Applicants will be notified of the outcome shortly after the meeting.

Download Application Form RG

Africa LLM/MSc Tercentenary Scholarship 04/04/2011

The Africa LLM/MSc Tercentenary Scholarship is open to all African students applying for the LLMs in Law; Commercial Law; European Law; Innovation, Technology and the Law; International Law; Global Environment and Climate Change Law; Intellectual Property Law and also the MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice.

One scholarship will be available each academic year until 2013/2014.

The award is open to all suitably qualified African applicants; however, the 2011/2012 scholarship is particularly aimed at applicants who are citizens of (and normally resident in) Eastern and Central Africa, including Zambia, Ethiopia, Malawi, DR Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Somalia. If no suitable application is received from these countries, the scholarship will pass to the next most suitable applicant. The award will be made solely on academic merit.

The scholarship will cover the costs of postgraduate tuition fees for one academic year. The successful applicant will also be given a partial maintenance grant (£6500) to help fund their studies at the University of Edinburgh. The maintenance grant will not cover the full costs of studying at the university and applicants should ensure they have sufficient financial support to complete their studies.

More detailed information can be obtained by emailing pg.law@ed.ac.uk

The closing date for the receipt of applications for 2011-2012 will be 31 May 2011. Applicants must complete the school's scholarship application form to indicate that they wish to be considered for this award.

Applications for postgraduate programmes must be made in parallel through the normal University application route. Applications for the 2011/2012 academic session will be accepted from 25th October 2010.
