Monday, March 07, 2016

Zuriels First Film Workshop for Youths - NAMIBIA

Zuriels First Film Workshop for Youths - NAMIBIA
Sponsored by Hilton Hotel, Air Namibia and Bank Windhoek, world renowned Girl Education Advocate and the World's Youngest Film Maker - 13 year old Zuriel Oduwole conducted her first ever Film Workshop for youths in Windhoek - Namibia. She spent the day telling her film making story to 25 youths chosen from 255 delegates, who applied from Facebook and Newspaper applications, and teaching them basic film making skills, among other documentary processes.

The highlight of the event was showing a sneak preview of her next film due later in 2016 and shot across 5 countries during the 2014 FIFA World Cup - Brazil, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Mauritius and the US. Zuriels last film "A Promising Africa" released in November 2014 at age 12 showed first across 2 cinema chains in Nigeria, before going on to screen in Ghana, South Africa, London - England and Tokyo - Japan.
She hopes to travel across the continent for more of her education programs, in the future.