Tuesday, October 21, 2014


The 2nd Meeting of the 3rd Session of the 3rd Assembly commenced in Kigali, Rwanda this afternoon. 
 The Speaker of the Rwanda, Chamber of Deputies, Rt Hon Donatile Mukabalisa opened the session. In her remarks, Rt. Hon Mukabalisa lauded EALA for ensuring citizens of the region were fully brought on board on matters concerning integration through the principle of rotation.
 "Your meetings in Kigali have great significance. 
"We appreciate this spirit of rotating and having EALA meetings in all Partner States. This is vital as the people from these States recognize and understand more the importance of the regional integration. That gives you the motivation to work hard and closely to achieve the objectives of the Community", Rt. Hon Mukabalisa said. 
 The Speaker noted that the region was already enjoying the tangible benefits of integration arising from the on-going implementation of the EAC pillars and lauded the region for consolidation of the same. 
 "We have to acknowledge the great importance of coming together, to interact and share experiences and expertise meant to foster social cohesion and unity, among the people of East African Region. This will be achieved because of the strong political will and strong commitment of our leaders" Speaker Mukabalisa said. 
 The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies challenged Parliamentarians to work closely with the other stakeholders to strengthen integration. 
 "We also need a close collaboration with the private sector and civil society because this partnership is the foundation to strengthen our economic, social, cultural, industrial, technological, infrastructure, services and other ties for sustainable development" Rt. Hon Mukabalisa said. 
 On her part, the Speaker of EALA, Rt. Hon Margaret Nantongo Zziwa, called on the Parliaments to take integration a notch higher by debating on integration issues more vigourously. She appealed to the Chamber of Deputies to allocate more time on the floor of the House to enable explication of the EAC policies and also for Parliamentarians to debate on integration matters. 
 Rt. Hon Zziwa cited sensitization as a key plank in the EALA's Strategic Plan and remarked that it was a priority for the Assembly at the moment. 
 "It is EALA's intention to target key stakeholders including Parliamentarians and we as EALA shall be keen to deliberate comprehensively with Members of the Parliament here", the Speaker added. Speaker Zziwa hailed the Parliament of Rwanda for its efforts taken in passing key legislation in the country. 
 "I am informed that within the one year period, the Parliament has expedited legislative process of various Bills. Since October 2013, when the Lower Chamber was sworn in, it has received 60 Bills of which 54 have been scrutinised and 41 of them, passed and published in the Official Gazette, representing 95 per cent of performance execution by the legislature," the Speaker said. 
 "This has been a busy year but one that is by all means successful. The business you have executed is commendable. The passion with which you want Rwandans to understand how Parliament works, and what the lawmaker's responsibilities are is admirable", Rt. Hon Zziwa added.
 In her vote of thanks, Hon Dr. Kessy Nderakindo congratulated the people of Rwanda for their warmth and generosity. She remarked that integration was key to make the One People, One Destiny ethos, a reality.
 " We need to get back to where we were before the colonialists created the artificial borders" Hon Dr. Nderakindo remarked. The Assembly shall during the two-week period, discuss several legislative matters. 
 The Sitting expects to debate on the following key areas: the EAC Co-operatives Bill, 2014 (2nd & 3rd Reading) receive and consider reports from various Committees of the Assembly. 
Such include the Report of the Committee on Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution and the Report of the Committee on Legal Rules and Privileges. 
 Others are the Report of the Committee on Communications, Trade and Investment on the implementation of the Single Customs Territory on the Central Corridor. consider several Motions and Questions brought before the House.
  The Speaker of EALA, Rt. Hon Margaret Nantongo Zziwa, delivers her welcome remarks at the start of the Plenary earlier today.  She is flanked on left by Senator Bernard Makuza, the President of the Rwanda Senate and the Speaker of the Rwanda Chamber of Deputies, Rt. Hon Donatile Mukabalisa
 The Speaker of the Rwanda Chamber of Deputies, Rt. Hon Donatile Mukabalisa delivers her speech
 GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN: The President of the Rwanda Senate, Senator Bernard Makuza (right) talks to EALA Member, Hon Bernard Mulengani as Hon Pierre Celestin Rwigema looks on