Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) hereby informs prospective
applicants into higher education institutions who completed their form
six, Ordinary Diploma in Education and NTA Level 6 from 1988 to 2011
that the deadline for application of admission through the Central
Admission System (CAS) has been extended to 30th May 2012.
Application fee
Tanzanians will be required to pay an application fee of TShs 30,000/- payable through NBC branches countrywide
Non-Tanzanians will be required to pay US$ 60 through CAS Account at any NBC Bank countrywide (TCU-CAS Acc. No. 074139000021).
residing outside Tanzania will be required to pay US$ 60 through CAS
Account number (TCU-CAS Acc. No. 074139000021). The swift code: NLCBTZTX
Branch code: 074
- Payments and cards are only available at NBC branches countrywide and not any other bank.
- The pre-paid cards should be retained after use for future reference when need arises. Cards once sold cannot be returned, exchanged or refunded.
Issued by the Executive Secretary