Thursday, April 07, 2011

New Zealand Development Scholarships

New Zealand Development Scholarships

New Zealand Development Scholarships New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) provide the opportunity for individuals from targeted developing countries to undertake studies at tertiary education institutions in New Zealand. The purpose of the scholarships is for candidates to gain knowledge and skills in specific subject areas that will assist in the development of their home country by contributing to identified human resource development (HRD) training needs. Awardees are required to return to their home country for at least two years after the completion of their scholarship to apply these new skills and knowledge in government, civil society or private business organisations.

The NZDS scheme is funded by the New Zealand Government’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme. The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), delivers the scheme through the New Zealand Aid Programme.

Applicants from Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Kenya, Mongolia, Nepal, Nicaragua, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia

NZDS applicants from the countries above apply directly to a New Zealand education institution and should direct all their questions about the NZDS to that institution. See the list of Institution contact details and closing dates.

The institution will:

1. Distribute NZDS application forms for the applicant to complete and return with all required supporting documentation. Each education institution has their own close-off date to receive completed NZDS applications
2. Assess the candidate’s application for admission to the institution
3. If the candidate’s application for admission to study at the institution is approved unconditionally, the institution will send completed NZDS applications to MFAT’s Scholarships Team in Wellington, New Zealand, by 30 June. Note: If the candidate does not meet the NZDS eligibility criteria, the education institution may decline the NZDS application on behalf of MFAT.
4. MFAT will consider all submitted NZDS applications for selection. Some candidates may be interviewed as part of the selection process. MFAT will advise the institution of the outcome of the NZDS selection round by early September
5. The education institution will forward an offer for a NZDS scholarship to successful candidates, and then assist them with their travel arrangements to New Zealand
6. Successful candidates commence their studies around February the following year.

NZDS candidates from the countries above apply directly to the relevant New Zealand Embassy in their country.

The New Zealand Embassy will:

1. Distribute, then receive, 'expression of interest' or preliminary application forms. Contact the relevant New Zealand Embassy for their close-off date
2. Check applications against NZDS eligibility criteria, and then select and shortlist candidates for study in New Zealand
3. Send shortlisted candidates the NZDS application form to complete and return, along with supporting documentation
4. Send completed NZDS applications for shortlisted candidates to MFAT’s Scholarships Team in Wellington, New Zealand who will seek placement at the requested institution
5. MFAT will advise the New Zealand Embassy of the outcome of the NZDS applications between September and November. (Timor Leste candidates are processed earlier in the year and should contact the New Zealand Embassy in Dili for details of the timeline)
6. Offer successful candidates a NZDS scholarship. Following acceptance of the scholarships, unless advised otherwise, the New Zealand education institution will assist with travel arrangements to New Zealand. Successful candidates commence their studies around February the following year.

More info at:
