Friday, August 08, 2014


From the Daily news of 6th August 6, 2014
Tanzania Mainland has been granted support from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) for the period 2014/15-2016/17 to support implementation of the Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP III), Adult and Non Formal Education Development Programme (ANFEDP) and Folk Education Development Programme focusing on Improved Literacy and Numeracy for children aged 5 to 13 years. The support will be provided through the Literacy and Numeracy Education Support (LANES) programme.

In order to ensure strong coordination of activities that are being implemented by different entities (Education Ministries, Institutes and CSOs) the Ministry plans to recruit five staff members to form the LANES National Coordination Unit on a one year contract basis, renewable on proven good performance.

Non Formal Education Specialist (REF NO: LANES/NCU/O1/14)
Position Summary
Reporting to the LANES National Programme Coordinator, adyice and facilitate MOEVT and PMORALG to effectively implement Non Formal Activities pertaining to the LANES programme.
Duties and Responsibilities will include facilitating the MOEVT and PMORALG to effectively:
i. Operationalise all LANES activities related to Non Formal Education:
j. Ensure all targeted NFE centers are in operation including in collaboration with Non State Actors and CSOs;
k. Collaborate with the Government Communication Units at MOEVT and PMORALG in sensitizing communities regarding NFE services;
l. Support LGAs to undertake EFA and Literacy Week Celebrations;
m. Implement the Radio Instruction to Strengthen Education (RISE) outreach programme;
n. Collaborate with the Government Communication Units at MOEVT and PMORALG in implementing sensitization programme on Violence Against Children;
o. Implement ZUMM (Talk to Your Child) programme.
ii. Monitor, evaluate and report on LANES NFE activities in close collaboration with the LANES M&E Specialist.
Key Qualifications and Experience
i. A minimum of a Master's Degree in Education, Social SCiences, or equivalent;
ii. Experience in developing and Managing literacy programmes particularly for non formal settings;
iii. Demonstrated capacity in Results Based Programme Management;
iv. Strong facilitation skills;
v. Excellent working knowledge of Kiswahili and English languages
vi. A minimum offive (S) years relevant working experience three (3) of which should be in a managerial position.

Procurement Specialist (REF NO: LANES/NCU/04/14)
Position Summary
The Procurement Specialist reports to LANES National Programme Coordinator. He/She is responsible in facilitating implementing Ministries to fulfill their roles in all procurement processes pertaining to the LANES programme.
Duties and Responsibilities will include facilitating the Ministry Procurement Directorates in ensuring that:
i. Procurement policies are observed to ensure relevance and conformance with best practices and ensure compliance with national procurement regulations and policies and as indicated in the LANES Operational Manual;
ii. Preparation of procurement plans, bidding documents, purchasing, negotiations, and all other tools and processes related to goods and services are done timely;
iii. Leadership and direction to procurement MDA's is provided.
iv. Negotiation of favorable contractual terms and conditions for the LANES Programme with suppliers are done timely;
v. Delivery on cost reduction commitments through identification, development and execution of strategic sourcing initiatives is effected;
vi. Development and implementation of standardized tools, practices and procedures are done to increase efficiency in procurement processes;
vii. Development and execution of a performance driven supplier management process resulting in structured feedback;
viii. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) practices is established and reinforced through regular benchmarking, periodic RFP's, and supplier performance metrics.
ix. Implementing Ministries are supported in obtaining the best value for money in terms of price, quality and delivery, having adhered to set specifications.
x. Updates on inventory of goods, supplies and materials are provided and maintained
Key Qualifications and Experience
i. A Masters degree in Procurement and Supplies, Supply Chain Management or equivalent from a recognized higher learning institution

LANES Finance Officer (REF NO: LANES/NCU/03/14)
Position Summary
Reporting to the LANES National Programme Coordinator, the Finance Officer will be responsible in ensuring that all financial aspects stipulated in the LANES 0Rerational Manual, Agreement and general Government financial guidelines and procedures are adhered to,

Duties and Responsibilities will include facilitating
Implementing Ministries Chief Accountants in ensuring that:
i. LANES Funds transfers to different MDAs are timely done;
ii. All implementing MDA's financial transactions are timely and accurately recorded in the financial system and as per agreed financial reporting requirements;
iii. MDAs prepare monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and year-end cut-off schedules with due dates for submission of key tasks and working papers;
iv. LANES financial reports are timely consolidated.
v. Specialized financial advice on general accounting issues and processes relating to the quarterly and year-end financial reporting is done.
vi. Financial procedures that aim to uphold the integrity of the LANES programme are known to all actors.
vii. All financial audits are supervised; and
viii. Expertise and knowledge on issues related to finance is provided throughout.
Key Qualifications and Experience
i. A Degree in Finance, Economics, Financial Management, or equivalent-A Masters Degree of the same will be an added advantage;
vii. Demonstrated capacity in Results Based Financing and reporting;
viii. A clear Understanding of current Government Financial Systems and procedures;
ix. Excellent working knowledge of Kiswahili and English languages; and
ii. A minimum of five years of working experience as Results Based M&E Specialist

LANES Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (REF NO: LANES/NCU/02/14)
Position Summary
Reporting to the LANES National Programme Coordinator, the M&E Specialist will support the effective and effiCient management and implementation of the LANES programme through driving development results planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting in line with programme and reporting reqUirements,
Duties and Responsibilities:
Pertaining to the LANES programme, facilitating Implementing Ministries in ensuring that:
i. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of LANES activities are conducted accordingly,
ii. LANES programme complies with all reqUirements of Results Based planning;
iii. Implementing MDAs Monitoring and Evaluation activities are conducted timely, including production of periodic activity reports;
iv, Implementing MDAs are assisted to Establish and manage internal systems for effective and efficient programme monitoring, evaluation and reporting;
v. There is optimal use of the outcomes of the M&E reports by providing guidance in preparation of timely management response;
vi. Regular field visits are undertaken to ensure compliance and timely execution of the planned monitoring & evaluation by various programme units; and
vii. Participates as needed in programme-Wide initiatives by contributing expertise and knowledge within Own area of responsibility,
Key Qualifications and Experience
A minimum of a Master's Degree in Education, Social Sciences, or equivalent;
ii. Demonstrated capacity in Results Based M&E;
iii. Demonstrated ability in developing and implelllenting Results Based M&E systems;
lv. A clear Under$tanding of current Education Sector implementation and M&E arrangements;
v. Excellent working Iinmyledge of Kiswahili and English languages
vi. A minimum of five years of working experience as Results Based M&E Specialist

LANES National Programme Coordinator (REF NO: LANES/NCU/01/14)
Position Summary
Reporting to the MOM Permanent Secretary, the Successful applicant will be responsible in ensuring the Key Programme Results are realized through coordinating implementing MDAs to successfully implement, monitor and evaluate the LANES Key Priority Activities.
Duties and Responsibilities will include:
A. Programme Management:
i.Ensure linkages, synergy and complementary of the LANES activities with overall education Sector activities through joint planning, monitoring and evaluation with the coordinators and teams of other Sector programmes;
ii. Link with the MDAs in Government at the district, regional and national levels to ensure that programming is jointly done and - sustainability of the interventions is maximised;
iii. Represent the LANES programme at education meetings and coordinating with NSAs and other organisations to ensure the programme and its activities are harmonized;
iv. Support the assessment and Monitoring of CSOs and Private Companies involved in the implementation of the LANES programme;

B. Programme Financial Management
i.The National Programme Coordinator is the budget holder for the LANES programme and therefore responsible for budgeting (sutimission of budget revisions), expenditure tracking and all aspects of financial management of the programme;
ii. Participate in all budget planning, monitoring and financlal reporting exercises with regular liaison with the Supervising Entity (The Swedish Embassy);
iii. Support Implementing Ministries in management of the LANES finances and Coordination of Internal and external Audits.
C. Programme Planning Monitoring & Evaluation
i. Ensure effective monitoring and evaluation in line with best practice and ensure that there are adequate tools to measure impact and ensure accountability and efficiency;
ii. Advise and assist in the monitoring of the Results Framework and carrying out of baseline data collection and analysis to develop appropriate M&E systems;
ill Ensure that an M&E plan is established with clear goals/ outcomes/targets with measurable indicators;
iv. Provide direction and support to the education team regarding results based management;
v. Ensure M&E is incorporated into all educational programme plans and mechanisms are implemented;
vi. Advise on technical assistance to all on issues of education, particularly for literacy activities.

i, A minimum of a Master's Degree in Education, Social Sciences, or equivalent;
ii. Demonstrated capacity in Results Based Programme Management;
iii. Experience in Managing large scale donor funded education programmes;
iv, Demonstrated ability in coordination of multifaceted programmes requiring skills in relationship building and capacity development of key players;
v. A clear Understanding of current Government structures in Financial Management and procurement procedures;
vi, Demonstrated capacity in developing and reporting through Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks
vii. Excellent working knowledge of Kiswahili and English languages
viii. A minimum of five (5) years relevant working experience three (3) of which should be in a managerial position


Terms of employment
Maximum Employment contract for all Positions of 1 year (renewable)
Salary is negotiable and will depend on candidates' experience
Terms of Employment for all positions is a one year contract, renewable on a proven good performance.
Interested candidate should submit a Letter of Interest and 0/ (Quoting the Reference Number for the position being applied for) to:
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
7 Magogoni Street,
S. L. P.9121,
11479 Dares Salaam

Or Deliver by Hand to: 7 Magogoni Street. 11479 Dar es Salam Tanzania