Thursday, July 12, 2012

Call for Proposals 'Capacity Development Research Grants '



Call for Proposals

Capacity Development Research Grants



Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) is pleased to announce the 2nd call for proposals for the year 2012.


REPOA research grants aim to develop a vibrant community of beginning and intermediate researchers capable of undertaking research that is credible and relevant to development challenges, with special attention to poverty analysis. Support is provided to short term studies (up to one year) in areas that are relevant to REPOA's overall research agenda. These studies aim to provide information that is relevant for the policy and practice of development that stakeholders can find useful in their poverty reduction initiatives, and offer beginning and intermediate researchers a platform to jump start and/or consolidate their research careers.


Focus fields

Research proposals are invited on one of the following themes relating to poverty analysis and poverty reduction within REPOA's  broad research agenda:

  1. Growth and Development 
  2. Social Protection
  3. Governance


Gender and Environment are cross-cutting in all the three themes.


For background information on the research themes including areas where cross-cutting themes are most relevant, kindly click here.



·         Grants are open to young and intermediate researchers based at institutions in Tanzania that can demonstrate how the grant will add value to what they are already doing

·         Applicants should have obtained a Research Degree (Master's based on research, M.Phil) or  PhD with not more than five years of post PhD experience

·         Applicants are expected to hold demonstrable writing skills and expertise relevant to the research theme.




Proposals should include a short background and problem statement, research questions, literature review, extensive indication of methodology, budget and timeline as indicated in the research proposal format. which can be found here.



Proposals that contain clear methodological designs are highly preferred.


Together with the proposal, a short curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum) is required, indicating professional affiliations, relevant expertise, and publications.



After the deadline for submission of proposals, the review committee will review all proposals to identify successful candidates.


All applicants will be notified of their proposal status three weeks after the submission deadline.


A kick-off workshop will be held in September for all shortlisted researchers to enable discussion on the research proposals between applicants and REPOA.



Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the background information on the research themes and the proposal writing guidelines.


Application deadline and submission requirement

The deadline for research proposals is August 10th 2012


Completed research proposals should be submitted as e-mail attachments to REPOA at



For further inquiries please contact: Linda Madete  through contact information provided below:


Research on Poverty Alleviation REPOA
P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania • 157 Mgombani Street, Regent Estate
Tel: +255 (0) (22) 2700083 / 0784 555 655 • Fax: 255 (0) (22) 2775738