Monday, March 19, 2012

Principal Clerk Assistant

Job Title : Principal Clerk Assistant

Requirements : A Masters Degree in Public Administration, law, Social Sciences or a related field. 10 years of experience with at least 5 years at the level of Senior Clerk Assistant. Specialised training in Parliamentary Procedures and knowledge of operations of a regional Parliament are essential.

Job Description : 
1. Serve as Clerk- At- Table when the Assembly is in Session. 2 
2. Assist in drawing up of Order Papers for Business and preparing Votes proceedings of the Assembly.
3. Provide procedural and legislative advice to the Speaker and members. 
4. Provide technical support to members when preparing Private Members Bills, Amendments to Bills, Motions, petitions and Questions. 
5. Facilitate Committee meetings/Sittings.

Apply To : 
The Secretary General
East African Community
P.O. Box 1096
Arusha - Tanzania.

Email Applications:

Closing Date : 27/Mar/2012

Source : East African Community