Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Food security PHD scholarships available in Germany

Food Security Center offers up to 10 PhD scholarships in 2012

In addition to the short-term scholarships, the Food Security Center (FSC) at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany awards up to 10 scholarships for PhD students for a period of 37 months. The application deadline is October 26, 2011. Selection is carried out on a competitive basis and the decisions will be communicated no later than January 25, 2012.

Regarding the details of the scholarship program, the application process and the requirements, please consult FSC's webpage (

www.foodsecurity.de - go to "Scholarships"). For important questions, please write an email to fsc-scholarships@uni-hohenheim.de - and please only to this mail address!

Only completed applications using FSC's application form will be considered.