KANISA LA KIINJILI LA KILUTHERI TANZANIA – DAYOSISI YA KUSINI (KKKT DKU) lina wajibu wa Shirika Simamizi kwa makundi mawili katika Mradi wa kupambana na UKIMWI wa Regional Outreach Addressing Aids through Development Strategies (ROADS) Makambako; kundi la kwanza ni la Watu Wanaoishi na Virusi Vya UKIMWI (PLHA) na kundi la pili ni la Wanawake wenye Kipato cha Chini (LIW). Kwa ajili ya kuendeleza huduma hiyo vizuri zaidi tunatangaza nafasi wazi zifuatazo: Afisa Msimamizi wa Kazi wa LIW (Field Officer for LIW) na Muuguzi wa PLHA (Nurse for PLHA).
1.Specific requirements (Qualifications)
1.Advanced Diploma or Degree in Sociology, Community Development or Health related field from recognized institution.
2.Working experience of at least two years or more in HIV/AIDS projects
3.Ability to function well in teams and to work productively in a multidisciplinary environment with diverse groups of people 4.Good communication skills, verbally and in writing both Kiswahili and English 5.Ability to deliver high quality results within strict deadlines 6.Ability to work under minimum supervision and under pressure 7.Ability to work with the society through participatory approach 8.Ability to use computer especially Microsoft Excel and Word.2.Duties
1. Be responsible for overall HIV prevention activities and creating linkages and referral systems with other stakeholders
2. Be responsible for monitoring and arranging support to promote technical quality of the peer educators activities.
3. To organize and lead peer educators monthly meetings to ensure timely and effective implementation of the peer educators activities and submission of reports.
4. To facilitate and ensure timely coordination of various trainings
5. To conduct periodic meetings as needed with peer educators and beneficiaries
6. Routinely collect and analyze information on the project implementation, compile and submit monthly and quarterly narrative and monitoring data reports on time to project manager.
7. To conduct ongoing monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention activities at the site emphasizing quality programming.
8. To ensure the target group is reached with quality services
9. To sensitize women groups/NGOs working with women to join the Low income women cluster
10. To prepare and share with the cluster steering committee and other stakeholders at the site monthly activities progress report.
11. To organize and participate in cluster work planning.
12. To perform any other duty related to the work as assigned by the supervisor
13. Has to report to the Cluster Manager.
A. Specific Requirements (Qualification)
1. A holder of Certificate, Diploma or more in Nursing or Health related field from recognized institution.
2. Working experience of at least one year or more in HIV/AIDS projects
3. Ability to function well in teams and to work productively in a multidisciplinary environment with diverse groups of people 4. Good communication skills, verbally and in writing both Kiswahili and English 5. Ability to deliver high quality results within strict deadlines 6. Ability to work under minimum supervision and under pressure 7. Ability to work with the society through participatory approach 8. Ability to use computer especially Microsoft Excel and Word.B. Duties
1.To provide a day to day nursing services to People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA)
2.To assist the cluster coordinator to collaborate and strengthen partnership with different organizations especially those dealing with the struggle against HIV/ AIDS for the sake of providing an utmost care and support to people living with HIV/ AIDS
3.To co-ordinate and provide psychosocial support to PLHA and community.
4.To assist the cluster coordinator to develop strong working relation with relevant district authorities including the council multi-sectoral AIDS Committees (CMAC) and CHMT.
5.To work closely with HIV positive people.
6.To monitor, supervise and advise a day to day based care services and other projects activities and initiatives.
7.To perform as a cluster field officer.
8.Your daily activities will be under PLHA cluster coordinator’s supervision.
9.To abide the directions as directed by the anchor organization and FHI-ROADS Project that relates to the project.
10.To collect, analyse, record and report data on time to responsible authorities
11.To be responsible to the Cluster Coordinator
Deadline for submission of both applications is on Friday the 30th of September 2011 and the interview will be on Monday the 10th of October 2011 at 09.00 a.m at Njombe ELCT SD Head Office. The Applications have to be addressed to: The General Secretary, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – Southern Diocese (ELCT SD), P.O. Box 97, Njombe. For further clarification call 0752 329 390 / 0786 533 590 or e-mail at amanidka@yahoo.com.
By Management
KANISA LA KIINJILI LA KILUTHERI TANZANIA – DAYOSISI YA KUSINI (KKKT DKU) lina wajibu wa Shirika Simamizi kwa makundi mawili katika Mradi wa kupambana na UKIMWI wa Regional Outreach Addressing Aids through Development Strategies (ROADS) Makambako; kundi la kwanza ni la Watu Wanaoishi na Virusi Vya UKIMWI (PLHA) na kundi la pili ni la Wanawake wenye Kipato cha Chini (LIW). Kwa ajili ya kuendeleza huduma hiyo vizuri zaidi tunatangaza nafasi wazi zifuatazo: Afisa Msimamizi wa Kazi wa LIW (Field Officer for LIW) na Muuguzi wa PLHA (Nurse for PLHA).
1.Specific requirements (Qualifications)
1.Advanced Diploma or Degree in Sociology, Community Development or Health related field from recognized institution.
2.Working experience of at least two years or more in HIV/AIDS projects
3.Ability to function well in teams and to work productively in a multidisciplinary environment with diverse groups of people 4.Good communication skills, verbally and in writing both Kiswahili and English 5.Ability to deliver high quality results within strict deadlines 6.Ability to work under minimum supervision and under pressure 7.Ability to work with the society through participatory approach 8.Ability to use computer especially Microsoft Excel and Word.2.Duties
1. Be responsible for overall HIV prevention activities and creating linkages and referral systems with other stakeholders
2. Be responsible for monitoring and arranging support to promote technical quality of the peer educators activities.
3. To organize and lead peer educators monthly meetings to ensure timely and effective implementation of the peer educators activities and submission of reports.
4. To facilitate and ensure timely coordination of various trainings
5. To conduct periodic meetings as needed with peer educators and beneficiaries
6. Routinely collect and analyze information on the project implementation, compile and submit monthly and quarterly narrative and monitoring data reports on time to project manager.
7. To conduct ongoing monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention activities at the site emphasizing quality programming.
8. To ensure the target group is reached with quality services
9. To sensitize women groups/NGOs working with women to join the Low income women cluster
10. To prepare and share with the cluster steering committee and other stakeholders at the site monthly activities progress report.
11. To organize and participate in cluster work planning.
12. To perform any other duty related to the work as assigned by the supervisor
13. Has to report to the Cluster Manager.
A. Specific Requirements (Qualification)
1. A holder of Certificate, Diploma or more in Nursing or Health related field from recognized institution.
2. Working experience of at least one year or more in HIV/AIDS projects
3. Ability to function well in teams and to work productively in a multidisciplinary environment with diverse groups of people 4. Good communication skills, verbally and in writing both Kiswahili and English 5. Ability to deliver high quality results within strict deadlines 6. Ability to work under minimum supervision and under pressure 7. Ability to work with the society through participatory approach 8. Ability to use computer especially Microsoft Excel and Word.B. Duties
1.To provide a day to day nursing services to People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA)
2.To assist the cluster coordinator to collaborate and strengthen partnership with different organizations especially those dealing with the struggle against HIV/ AIDS for the sake of providing an utmost care and support to people living with HIV/ AIDS
3.To co-ordinate and provide psychosocial support to PLHA and community.
4.To assist the cluster coordinator to develop strong working relation with relevant district authorities including the council multi-sectoral AIDS Committees (CMAC) and CHMT.
5.To work closely with HIV positive people.
6.To monitor, supervise and advise a day to day based care services and other projects activities and initiatives.
7.To perform as a cluster field officer.
8.Your daily activities will be under PLHA cluster coordinator’s supervision.
9.To abide the directions as directed by the anchor organization and FHI-ROADS Project that relates to the project.
10.To collect, analyse, record and report data on time to responsible authorities
11.To be responsible to the Cluster Coordinator
Deadline for submission of both applications is on Friday the 30th of September 2011 and the interview will be on Monday the 10th of October 2011 at 09.00 a.m at Njombe ELCT SD Head Office. The Applications have to be addressed to: The General Secretary, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – Southern Diocese (ELCT SD), P.O. Box 97, Njombe. For further clarification call 0752 329 390 / 0786 533 590 or e-mail at amanidka@yahoo.com.
By Management