Call for Resumes
DAI is seeking candidates for a potential development program focussed on climate change adaptation in Mozambique. The 5 year program is expected to focus on increasing urban resiliency to climate change by supporting improvements in climate resilient urban services, encouraging the adoption of climate resiliency methods by communities and community organizations and increasing access to risk sharing mechanisms to mitigate the effects of climate change related events.
Professionals with fluency in Portuguese and English and experience in one or more of the following areas are encouraged to apply:
municipal/institutional capacity building (e g. development of city master plans and investment strategies, preparation of cost-benefit analysis, development and review of building code standards, etc.);
disaster risk reduction, early warning systems (e.g. experience with "soft-engineered" climate adaptation measures) ;
community engagement and mobilization (e.g. community based climate change awareness training, dissemination of climate change information, development and implementation of community-based pilot projects, etc. );
climate change adaptation-related education and training (e.g. internships in municipal offices, study tours for climate resilient architecture, training of community members as first responders); and,
evaluation and implementation of risk sharing mechanisms including partnership development (e.g. parametric insurance, municipal contingency/disaster funds, catastrophic bonds, etc,)
DAI is also seeking candidates with monitoring and evaluation or finance and administration experience on USAID-funded projects.