Monday, June 25, 2012

Nafasi za Kazi- Imara Foundation Ministry(10 Posts)

Imara Ministry Foundation is a faith based nonprofit Christian interdenominational ministry organization dedicated to caring for people with the love and compassion of Christ through transformational development and addressing mental, physical and spiritual needs of communities. It aims at focusing on transformational development through empowering and strengthening church leadership, implementing HIV/AIDS education and training, Evangelism support, and community/ village development projects. Imara Ministry Foundation has under gone a restructuring and now seeks to recruit employees to fill various positions at the Head Quarters in Arusha Tanzania. Please note that positions will be filled as determined by operational requirement and financial capacity and will not necessarily be at the same time and are as follows:

1. Job Position: Administration Assistant / Receptionist/ Cashier

The main purpose of this position will be to facilitate the smooth running of day to day administrative functions within the Imara Ministry Foundation Office in liaison with other Imara departments including providing front reception functions. Also conducts some support financial functions in liaison with the Assistant Accountant.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. A qualification and at least two years work experience in fields relevant to administration, business management or book keeping.
2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
4. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
5. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
6. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
7. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili.
8. High level of honesty and integrity.
9. A drivers License will be an advantage.

2. Job Position: Discipleship Assistant and Musician

This position reports to the Discipleship Coordinator
The primary responsibility is to cooperate with the Discipleship Coordinator to assist with Life on Life Missional Discipleship (LOLMD) seminars and events. Provide Music Ministry to Imara and Church Growth events.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. At least two (2) years' experience of working in music ministry and a proven ability in Worship Leading
2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
4. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
5. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
6. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
7. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili preferred.
8. High level of honesty and integrity.
9. A drivers License will be an advantage.

3. Job Position: Discipleship Coordinator
This position reports to the Team Leader of Christian Leadership and Discipleship
The primary responsibility is to ensure planning and implementation of the Life on Life Missional Discipleship Program in cooperation with Discipleship Assistant.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. A demonstrated experience and ability to teach Christian discipleship principals and other theological teaching.
2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
1. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
2. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
3. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
4. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili.
5. High level of honesty and integrity.
4. A drivers License will be an advantage

4. Job Position: Imara Driver/Interpreter

This position reports to the Head of Administration and Finance.The primary responsibility is to facilitate transportation of staff, volunteers and stakeholder to and ensure effective logistic functioning of Imara Ministry Foundation. The incumbent also assist in Ministry related events in interpreting from English to Swahili or vice versa.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. A class B, C and D drivers License
2. Extensive experience and competence in driving motor vehicles.
3. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
4. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
5. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
6. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
7. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
8. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili.
9. High level of honesty and integrity.
10. A tertiary qualification relevant to vehicle mechanics and maintenance will be advantageous.

5. Job Position: Assistant Accountant and Cashier

This position reports to the Team Leader of Administration and Finance.The primary responsibility is to facilitate the careful recording and distribution of all funds received for Imara Ministry Foundation and Projects to designated ministries or target groups/persons, in a manner of high integrity and ethical financial principles and in line with the agreed high standard of Imara Ministry Foundation accounting principles and procedures.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. A qualification of at least a Diploma in accounting or financial management , a computer literacy in Excel and experience in working with computerized accounting software and at least two years experience with non-profit organization
2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
4. A demonstration of experience in and knowledge of small enterprise development.
5. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
6. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
7. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
8. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili.
9. High level of honesty and integrity.
10. A drivers License will be an advantage.
11. Readiness to travel away from Arusha as required.

6. Job Position: HIV/AIDS Palliative Care Coordinator

This position reports to the Team Leader of HIV/AIDSThe primary responsibility of this position is to liaise with Imara trained Church Based Volunteers and their pastors in matters relating to HIV/AIDS especially in relation to counseling PLWHA (People Living With HIV/AIDS) and their relatives. Also to provide Godly counsel to clients, relatives and volunteers in conjunction with other HIV/AIDS Department staff and ensure the HIV/AIDS Department daily activities are conducted in a smooth manner.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. A relevant medical qualifications in nursing, palliative care and or medical practitioner and a work experience of at least two years in a medical field with a non-profit organization.
2. A Medical, counseling, and teaching background.
3. Computer Skills preferred.
4. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
5. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
6. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
7. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
8. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
9. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili.
10. High level of honesty and integrity
11. A drivers License will be an advantage.

7. Job Position: HIV/AIDS Team Leader and Home Based Care Coordinator.

This position reports to the CEO of Imara Ministry Foundation.The primary responsibility is to provide leadership, accountability and direction to HIV/AIDS Department as well as planning and implementing the HBPC Program in cooperation with the HIV/AIDS Palliative Care Coordinator. S/he will also be responsible to provide Godly counsel to clients, relatives and volunteers in conjunction with other HIV/AIDS Department staff.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. A relevant medical qualifications in nursing, palliative care and or medical practitioner and a work experience of at least two years in a medical field with a non-profit organization.
2. A Medical, counseling, and teaching background.
3. Computer Skills preferred.
4. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
5. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
6. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
7. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
8. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
9. Ability to network with existing government and non-government HIV/AIDS organisations.
10. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili.
11. High level of honesty and integrity
12. A drivers License will be an advantage.

8. Job Position: Leadership Development Assistant

This position reports to the Leadership Development Coordinator
The primary responsibility of this position is to cooperate with the Leadership Development Coordinator in assisting with Leadership Development seminars and events. Provide Music Ministry to Imara and Church Growth events.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. At least two (2) years' experience of working in music ministry and a proven ability in Worship Leading
2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
4. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
5. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
6. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
7. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili will be preferred.
8. High level of honesty and integrity
9. A drivers License will be an advantage.

9. Job Position: Leadership Development Coordinator

This position reports to the Team Leader Christian Leadership and Discipleship.
The primary responsibility is to ensure the efficient implementation of the Christian Leadership Development Program across Northern Tanzania in partnership with Tanzanian pastors and churches. This position works in collaboration with other members of the Christian Leadership and Discipleship Department to bring teaching, guidance and mentoring.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. An ability and experience to teach Christian Leadership Principals and other theological teaching
2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
4. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
5. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
6. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
7. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili will be preferred.
8. High level of honesty and integrity
9. A drivers License will be an advantage.

10. Job Position: Office Assistant/Cleaner

This position reports to the Team Leader of Administration and Finance
The primary responsibility is to implement an efficient system to keep the Imara Central Office clean and tidy as well as assist with cooking and hospitality as required.
As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. Previous work experience office/housekeeping and hospitality management will be given priority
2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
4. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
5. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
6. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
7. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili will be preferred.
8. High level of honesty and integrity
9. A drivers License will be an advantage.

11. Job Position: Team Leader ofFinance and Administration and Chief Accountant

This position reports to the CEO Imara Ministry Foundation.
The primary responsibility of this position is to ensure the Finance and Administration Department is managed effectively and provides the required services for the effective management of Imara operations. Ensure all finances of Imara Ministry Foundation are controlled with high integrity and ethical financial principles.

As such the person filling this position needs to have:
1. A BA Degree relevant to accounting required with an MBA degree and/or CPA certification desired.
1. An ability to work individually showing initiative in their work. Ability to provide fiscal credibility Imara Management Team and Board of Trustees.
2. Significant experience in a business or religious/non-profit organization required, with experience in financial management coupled with experience and knowledge of financial record keeping and processes, computer technology, and business practices.3. Ability to communicate financial data and issues, both orally and written, in a manner that is understandable to those without formal backgrounds.2. A personal relationship with and be a follower of Jesus Christ; demonstrate Christian stewardship and behaviour consistent with evangelical values and ethics.
3. A commitment to the transformation of lives and communities in Tanzania through strengthening and equipping the Tanzanian Church.
4. Ability to be a team player and effective interpersonal skills.
5. Ability to plan strategically in a collaborative manner.
6. Ability to work individually, under minimum supervision in a stressful environment and meet the agreed deadlines.
7. Effective communication skill both oral and written English and Swahili.
8. High level of honesty and integrity
9. A drivers License will be an advantage.

Imara Ministry Foundation is an equal opportunity employer wishing to invite applications from qualified Tanzanians to fill above mentioned positions.

All applications with should be sent by email address or hand delivered to the Office of the CEO of Imara Ministry Foundation not later than 5:00 pm Monday 2 July 2012.

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview. If you don't hear from us by 15 July 2012, you should consider your application unsuccessful.

All applications shall be accompanied with copies of resume, academic certificates and names of three recent referees.