Saturday, February 04, 2012

Mainstreaming TB/HIV at AIDS 2012, Washington DC, USA, 22-27 July 2012

The International AIDS Conference is one of the largest HIV stakeholder gatherings that brings together advocates, civil society, journalists, people living with HIV, policymakers, researchers, technical and funding agencies and many more. The XIX International AIDS Conference this year will be held from 22-27 July in Washington D.C. and is expected to host some 20,000 delegates from 200 countries. It will play a key role in shaping the global HIV response, offering a tremendous opportunity to mainstream TB and catalyse the implementation and scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities.

We encourage you to submit applications for TB/HIV sessions to ensure that TB remains high on the agenda throughout all areas.

Deadlines to note:
  • Abstract submissions close: 15 February 2012
  • Affiliated independent events applications close: 20 April 2012
  • Exhibition applications close: 25 May 2012
  • Global Village applications close: 15 February 2012
  • Satellite applications close: 31 March 2012
  • Skills building workshop applications close: 15 February 2012
For further details please visit the conference website:

Kind regards,

Secretariat of the TB/HIV Working Group

Stop TB Department
World Health Organization
20, Avenue Appia | CH-1211 Geneva 27 | Switzerland