Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ambassador Kairuki meets top experts in Public Private Partnership

Ambassador Mbelwa Kairuki (r), Director of the Department of Asia and Australasia in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation welcomes Mr. Stephen Karangizi, Director and CEO of African Legal Support Facility.
Ambassador Kairuki and Mr. Karangizi in discussion during their meeting at the Ministry.  The two met to discuss and exchange ideas of expertise in investment, including commercial transactions.
Mr. Karangizi shares his opinion about investment opportunities during his meeting with Ambassador Kairuki. Others in the photo are Mr. Raymond Mbilinyi (1st left), Acting Director of Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), Mr. Samuel(2nd left) of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Ministry of Finance and Ms. Tonia Kandiero, (3rd left), Tanzania Resident Representative of African Development Bank (AfDB).  Also in the photo is Mr. Ezamo S. Maponde (2nd right), Assistant Director-Private Sector Development in Prime Minister's Office and Mr. Khatib Makenga (1st right), Foreign Service Officer at the Ministry.
Mr. Karangizi explains something while Ambassador Kairuki and Ms. Kandiero listening attentively.